Thursday conferences

Thursday conferences

In 2024, Thursday conferences address different subjects in the fields of decorative arts, stained glass and contemporary glass creation.

Inclusion glass

Thursday April 18, 6 p.m.:

19th century glass and inclusion objects from the Darnis collection, by Roland Dufrenne, expert in art objects

Vidéo de la conférence

Glass roofs from the Great War

Thursday May 16, 6 p.m.:

Glass roofs of Normandy, a history of the Great War, conference by Philippe Chéron, research manager, Heritage Inventory Service, Normandy Region

Vidéo de la conférence

Antoine Leperlier, effects of memory

Thursday June 20, 6 p.m.:

Artist’s journey, conference by Antoine Leperlier, glass artist

Vidéo de la conférence

Jean-Baptiste Sibertin-Blanc

Thursday October 3, 6 p.m.:

An eclipse of the object, conference by Jean-Baptiste Sibertin-Blanc, designer



Thursday October 17, 6 p.m.:

30 years of innovation at CERFAV, European center for research and training in glass arts, conference by Anne Pluymaekers, Head of the Culture department at CERFAV

Isabelle Monod

Thursday November 21, 6 p.m.:

Isabelle Monod and the Glass Revival in France, conference by Eric Louet, Director of the François Décorchemont Glass Museum



Conferences take place in the stained glass room and are limited to 30 people. 

Approximate duration 1h30. Price included in the museum entrance price (€6).

Information and reservation recommended from the museum's public service on 02 32 30 90 41 or by email