Pot oval couvert (Covered oval pot)
François Décorchemont is among the first decorative artists to have used glass paste to create art objects.

François Décorchemont (Conches 1880 - Conches 1971)
Pot ovale couvert
Glass paste
H. 0,28 ; D. 0,20 cm
Inv. MV 2013.1.1. Don Barlach Heuer
Master of glass paste, François Décorchemont first created decorative art objects at the beginning of the 20th century before moving towards the field of stained glass in the 1930s. However, he never completely stopped his production pots and cups in glass paste, still creating a few models before and after the Second World War and even more often making new examples from old models. Created in 1933, the covered oval pot model was produced in twelve copies until 1969, while its chameleon-shaped lid served as a model for paperweights. This emerald-colored example was made in 1965 and purchased from the artist by the glass art lover Barlach Heuer who deposited it at the Kunstmuseum in Düsseldorf in 1973. Following its withdrawal, Barlach Heur offered it to the Museum of glass of Conches, in the town where he had acquired it forty years previously.
2014 - New glassware windows from the first half of the 20th century, Glass Museum, Conches (June 14 - November 30).
2017 - New Décorchemont room, Glass Museum, Conches.
HILSCHENZ-MLYNEK Helga, RICKE Helmut, Glas Historismus, Jugendstil, Art Déco. Vol. 1 “Frankreich, Die Sammlung Hentrich im Kunstmuseum Dusseldörf”, Ed. Prestel Verlag, Munich, 1985. p. 132.
AYROLES Véronique, François Décorchemont - Maître de la pâte de verre. Ed. Norma, 2006. p. 167.
LOUET Eric, Acquisitions 2013-2014. La Revue des Musées de France. Ed. RMN 2015. p. 21