The Legras glassworks produced art objects from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, whose enamelled, gilded and sometimes engraved decorations of flowers, leaves and landscapes made the establishment's reputation.

Verrerie Legras (La Plaine-Saint-Denis, end of XIXe - start of XXe century)
Vase Indiana
Around 1900
Inscr. : None
Blown glass, enameled, engraved, gilded.
H. 16 ; D. 10,7 cm
Inv. MV.2023.3.37. Donated by Jean et Dominique Vitrat
The La Plaine-Saint-Denis glassworks was one of the most important French glass manufacturers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In addition to producing liqueur carafes and tableware, it also developed its activities into the creation of art objects, whose enameled, gilded and sometimes engraved decorations of flowers, leaves and landscapes made the establishment's reputation. These include this small red vase with a neck stretched into three points, decorated with acid-etched poppy leaves and flowers, from the Indiana series. Donated by a couple of collectors -̶ who have been collecting and studying the archives of this glassworks since the 1990s and whose research published in 2004 and 2012 form the only reference works on the subject, this rare small vase, very accomplished, is part of a larger donation, bringing together both iconographic documents and one hundred and forty-nine glass objects from the Saint-Denis glassworks.
2023 - Verreries Legras, la donation Vitrat, Musée du verre François Décorchemont, Conches (may 13 - novembre 26, 2023).
LOUET Eric, VITRAT Dominique et Jean, Verreries Legras, la donation Vitrat. Catalogue d'exposition, Edition Musée du verre, Conches, 2023, p. 71
LOUET Eric, Acquisitions 2023-2024. La Revue des Musées de France, Ed. RMN 2024, p. 19.